If you are a new college or university student, and worry about which career should you choose that would be in hot demand when you finish your studies and enter the job market?
Remember always think five to six year ahead when choosing your career, don`t look at the current HYPE in a certain field, the reason is, you are still studying and trying to get your degree, it might be possible that when you get your degree at that time that Hype might be fadded away, and you will be
competing for a job in a siturated market, where you will face stiff competition.
A group of UK. based Economist estimated that by 2015 some careers will be growing and there would be plenty of jobs availible in those fields....... these HOT careers are....
1. Management & Marketing
Having an Mba. degree will still pay, becouse Mba trains a person for performing multiple kinds of tasks, like Accounting, management, Marketing and Human resourse management, other typse of degrees dont give you such advantages, and these skills can be used in any field, no matter what they
are if it is a hospital or an engineering firm Managers, Accountants and Marketing team are the essential part of any organization, so if you have an MBA degree you can apply for various kinds of jobs, in addition to this the knowledge and skills that you will get in persuing MBA degree can be used to establish and successfully run you own business.
2.Doctors & sergeons
World population is increasing by 2% , population of the world will cross the figure of 9 billion by 2015, more people means more health problems and also more patients, so the demand for Doctors and
sergeons will also skyrock, students who opt for Medical field will not worry in 2015 in finding a job.
3.Cyber security specialists
If your aptitude is towards computer and information technology then, it is wise to major in Cyber security, because as the cyber space expands many organizations like banks and security agencies are becoming more consiouse about the security of their data base, cyber security specialists will be a hot commodity in the future.
4.Mobile Applications developers
Mobile tele communications has virtually revolutionised our world, That is the reasone that many new mobile companies are coming in to front with new eye catching products, each and every company tries to take a lead from other by adding more features to their products, this trend has created the demand for more smart and innovative Mobile Application developers.
5.Robotic Technicians
in order to cut labor cost, save time and improve quality in production, industries are havily relying on automation and robotics, but operation and maintanance of these robots still needs human involvement
and assistance, there would be high demand for Robotic Technicians in the future who could operate and repaire those sophisticated machines
Remember always think five to six year ahead when choosing your career, don`t look at the current HYPE in a certain field, the reason is, you are still studying and trying to get your degree, it might be possible that when you get your degree at that time that Hype might be fadded away, and you will be
competing for a job in a siturated market, where you will face stiff competition.
A group of UK. based Economist estimated that by 2015 some careers will be growing and there would be plenty of jobs availible in those fields....... these HOT careers are....
1. Management & Marketing
Having an Mba. degree will still pay, becouse Mba trains a person for performing multiple kinds of tasks, like Accounting, management, Marketing and Human resourse management, other typse of degrees dont give you such advantages, and these skills can be used in any field, no matter what they
are if it is a hospital or an engineering firm Managers, Accountants and Marketing team are the essential part of any organization, so if you have an MBA degree you can apply for various kinds of jobs, in addition to this the knowledge and skills that you will get in persuing MBA degree can be used to establish and successfully run you own business.
2.Doctors & sergeons
World population is increasing by 2% , population of the world will cross the figure of 9 billion by 2015, more people means more health problems and also more patients, so the demand for Doctors and
sergeons will also skyrock, students who opt for Medical field will not worry in 2015 in finding a job.
3.Cyber security specialists
If your aptitude is towards computer and information technology then, it is wise to major in Cyber security, because as the cyber space expands many organizations like banks and security agencies are becoming more consiouse about the security of their data base, cyber security specialists will be a hot commodity in the future.
4.Mobile Applications developers
Mobile tele communications has virtually revolutionised our world, That is the reasone that many new mobile companies are coming in to front with new eye catching products, each and every company tries to take a lead from other by adding more features to their products, this trend has created the demand for more smart and innovative Mobile Application developers.
5.Robotic Technicians
in order to cut labor cost, save time and improve quality in production, industries are havily relying on automation and robotics, but operation and maintanance of these robots still needs human involvement
and assistance, there would be high demand for Robotic Technicians in the future who could operate and repaire those sophisticated machines
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